FNAF NFT Scam is Getting a game… #shorts #fnaf #kandyland - jetgame.pl

FNAF NFT Scam is Getting a game… #shorts #fnaf #kandyland

Johnny the Night Guard
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The History of Kandyland:

Hear me out, the new FNAF fangame Kandyland amazing in the visual department, although the story could end up being a little bit… mid because Goldenlane studio has shown that they don’t mind taking the low road when it comes to making money, especially with what they’ve done with Suzy Snacktime on her youtube channel 💀

Kandyland Early Developement Trailer:
Suzy Snacktime Channel:

This channel takes heavy inspiration from ID’s Fantasy, Pastra, Ryetoast, Fuhnaff, Game Theory, Dawko, Shycrow, Uhyeah, and many others, if you like my content, you’ll love theirs 🙂